Apple Pages How-to

Here are fast and useful tips and tricks for using Apple Pages.

To Select Text from the cursor to the end of document, use:
Command(⌘) + Shift + Down-Arrow

Em dash. To make an em dash:
hold down the Shift and Option keys
and then press the Minus key.

En dash. To make an en dash
Hold down the Option key
and then press the Minus key.

Hard Hyphens
I think the problem we want to solve is that we do not want to see the hyphens at the ends of the lines, for example:
I went to the state of Wash-
ington and visited the beautiful state parks.
Instead, we want this
I went to the state of Washington
and visited the beautiful state parks.
If this is the problem, then it is easily solved by finding the Preference for “Automatic Hyphenation”, and just turning that OFF — or unchecking the box beside it.
In the Apple Pages app, that checkbox is found in the Document tab, Document button, right under the place you set the margins.
To add a hard hyphen (in Apple Pages):
Edit –> Emoji & Symbols –> Punctuation
— and then choose the hard hyphen.

Hard Spaces
The problem we are trying to solve is to eliminate the words Mr. and Mrs. and Dr. at the end of the line … For example, we do not want:
My favorite comedy is Mr.
Ed, a series about a talking horse.
We want:
My favorite comedy is Mr. Ed,
a series about a talking horse.
My favorite comedy is
Mr. Ed, a series about a talking horse.
The fix is simple but it takes a few steps.
A. First, add the hard space into any one of the terms, for example Mr.(hard space) Ed
In Apple pages, it is just Option-key + spacebar, which makes the hard space.
B. Now copy (Control+C) the hard space that you just made
C. Use Find and Replace … Find Mr._ (Mr. regular space)
D. Replace with Mr._ (hard space, you paste that space in)
E. Now Find and Replace all the Mr.(space) with Mr.(hard space) — we can replace all of these in a total of less than 2 seconds, with “Replace All”
Now, the end of the lines will never end with Mr.
Repeat this process for Mrs. and Dr.
Important: I always back up the file before I use the “Replace All” feature.